Saturday, March 21, 2009

Not So Comforting Comforter

I am going to complain, so skip this one if you want. The Caucasian Cooties are one thing, the gal dern bed covers are another.
Night after night I am in a wrestling match with this impossible"comforter". Comforter my a__.
It moves. Constantly. All night long I am in a leg-lock," joe-jitsuing" with this guy.
It is old, like every thing else in this place, and lumpy and it crawls. The lumps migrate to the edges, weigh them down and then cause the covers to crawl. It is very annoying. It is cold, the night noises are unfamiliar, and then to be constantly trying to outwit my covers is down right insane. I want tame, gentle, soothing, soft, luxurious well-behaved covers. It's all I ask. But it ain't gonna happen.
To whom should I escalate this complaint? My friends. You will pity me won't you?????
So I will continue on my nightly weight loss program and somehow I am going to get smarter. I thought about tying the vicious devil to the bedposts, but of course there are no bedposts.
I'm thinking about sending it to Emily Post School of Good Bedcover Behavior. If it does not pass which I doubt it will, I'm going to have it arrested by the Russian police, or even worse the Abkhazian militia. Now that's serious. I really hate to threaten, or to retaliate, but it is necessary. I mean this is not a preemptive strike, the covers assaulted ME FIRST.
Thugs, mafia. Tomorrow I will learn the Russian word for f'ing comforter, maybe it doesn't understand English, and if I threaten it, it will behave.........
Before going to bed tonight, I ask, in your prayers, you say "Thank you Spirit for nice covers, and may Genie's comforter be nice to her."
Nighty night.


  1. Sweetie, I know I can't find a comforter to send you that weighs less than 2 lbs, but I'm wondering about some thermal undies. Something that might mitigate between you and the cold without including the dis/comforter. I'll see what I can find.

    You have in you all that you need, already. The reibar in your spine will get you through. Know that we all love you and are with you, as much as we can be. Whine line is open on my email address, too, if you want to discharge more there. All my love,

  2. Hi Genie,
    I have just now read all your blogs and am amazed at how wonderful it is to follow your heart and your incredible journey. I feel very inadaquete sitting in my comfy chair and reading about bed fellows....

    I wish I could send you a comforter and some lysol and lye and whatever else to cleanse your space....but mostly I wish you peace in your new beginnings. I continue to be in awe of you and your desire to scout and help the world.
    May you have a glorious and safe day today my friend.

    Mary Anne

  3. Hi Genie,

    Gol darn, wish I could send you a comforter, some lye, lysol, and bleach! I don't blame you for complaining- we all would be!!!

    But I am continually amazed at your blogs and your experiences. I am sitting in my comfy chair here in MN and feeling very inadaquete in light your ventures, new knowlegde and your incredible spirit. Oh my gosh, how I wish you a night of blissful sleep and a day of no itching....
    Love Ya,
    Mary Anne

  4. well I guess if you must fight with something it is best that it is the bed covers. Just think of it as your punching bag, maybe you'll get the lumps out. Can we send you a better behaving cover. I might be able to find one. I will pray for you that you may train your cover.
    luv ya

  5. Genie Genie Genie......close your eyes and feel my warm arms wrapped around you. Witness the struggle and somehow try to let it go. Your work is so many benefit from your good deeds. Hang in and picture us together at Book Club or TTTC.......
    LIttle strides at Erica has quit which is fine with me as she was one unhappy employee. I have interviews with about 8 people this week and hope to get some of these bodies on the telephone. Mike is being more available and always checks in w/ me daily. I am VERY happy and realized today that you have "led" me to my 2 favorite jobs...the UK and now COA. Hugs and kisses to you.......Helen

  6. dear angel,
    i have an 'eiderdown'(as they like to call them in the uk) in sevenoaks that has a life of its own. i have sat in that room during the day to observe its motion and there is none. nada. nothing. it only moves at night. so i have sat on a chair in that room after dark and observed again. none. nada. nope. nothing!
    for some reason that i have not fathomed, it only begins its dance when i try to borrow its warmth.
    i now carry 2 diaper pins in my baggage to the uk every time i go there and use them to tame this unruly piece of nightime comfort. like a dog on a leash, the bit closest to the leash wanders the least but watch that dog's bottom 'cos its gonna wander.
    as a sailor i can assure you that if it ain't tide down it's gonna move.
    dear angel, keep flying close to the ground. your very presence brings a glimmer of hope, even if the eyes who behold you go grey.
    my love,
    ps alternatively you can stretch a blanket or a sheet over it and tuck it under the mattress to tame the wildness.

  7. Dear Genie,

    You are absolutely amazing to read and in our thoughts daily. We showed Jack and Betty how to find your blog and you're ever in their thoughts as well.

    My sympathy for your nightly battles with the uncooperative bedding! Have you tried threats? (Shape up or it's curtains for you!)

    Hmmm... the less than two pounds rule makes it hard to devise a solution from this end, doesn't it? Maybe a flannel "Union Suit?"

    Love, Ena and Steve

  8. Genie
    You brave and wonderful person! Sew a zipper in the darn thing and make it into a sleeping bag!!
