Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am an OXKEY

An Oxkey is a beast of burden, something between an Ox and a Donkey.
Yes, I have left gay Pareeeeeee, and am now in grey Tbilisi.
With the extra 40 pounds of stuff on my aching back.
The grey skies of Paris matched the beautiful grey rooftops of the French architecture, you know, every glorious building in Paris.
The grey in Georgia is different, it is set in a backdrop of ranshackeled buildings, and skeletons of buildings that have been dead and unfortunately not gone for years.

There is 'spring green' landscape here, the kind of green that is dotted with winter brown. Sort of like a teenager with acne, some beautiful fresh skin, some yucky skin that will soon go away and give way to a youthful 'spring face'.

The mountains are WOW. In this grey-mist day they are ancient, strong, mysterious. Like everything they will change.
I am happy, getting ready to go for dinner with a team member.
So, I have arrived safely at this destination. I will be here for another few days, then to Sukhumi, my final home.
God bless each and every one of us today, all over the world.
Love, genie


  1. Well, some of us have 40 extra pounds in other places! I'm glad you're safe in Tbilisi. I'm thinking about you every day. It's cold here, weird for this time of year, and grey, so I'm in sync with you in terms of weather. Thanks for keeping in touch so often.

  2. Genie, so wonderful to follow your journey and adventures. I nearly peed my pants with laughter when I read about your shower. It's official, we are moving to Portsmouth, NH!!!!!


  3. It's official, we are moving to Portsmouth, NH!!! Saddle up dem horses and load the wagons. It's liberating to finally be on the move again. I check your blog daily with anticipation to see what is happening next. I knew it would be inspirational, but I had no idea I would be in tears from laughing so hard at your shower antics! Dylan discovered his thingy between his legs and hasn't been the same since.


