Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bed Fellows

For 35 years I have shared comfort, wonder and surprise with my good bed fellow.

This morning a new expierence to ponder from new bed fellows.

You would have thought I would have waited to get to know the caucasian male species a bit better than jumpin' into the sack right away, but what the heck, it was HIS bed after all, or should I say THEIR bed I was sleeping in.
Yes, multitudes of males. Smaller than visible, but larger than microscopic, barely felt, were the wee little lads, having a party, not quite as loud as the party going on upstairs, but definately more remarkable - no markable on my skin. To no surprise this morning there are wee little bumps, I now refer to them as "love-bumps" on my not so discreet anatomy.
Be they mites, lice, Georgia-bugs, or Caucasian cooties, I've got 'em, or maybe I should say they've got me.
We will have to establish a perestroika today, as the russian-georgian invasion has just become quite personal. I believe this will be a territorial skirmish I will have to wage without assistance of military might.
A good scrub a dub dub is my armour today!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Here's my prayer: May these be the worst bugs Genie comes across during her stay in Georgia! Sorry about your itchies, glad you're safe enough to complain about the critters. Love you to pieces.
