Monday, March 2, 2009

I awoke this morning in a New York hotel where I walked down the hall to the shower, noticed the necklace Sam gave me was not on my neck. Back to the room.... there it was on the floor. The chain was broken with the tiny diamond "G" intact. I was sure this was the first indication that I am shedding some things. Not really a loss, but a reminder of what's to come. Changes.
Later after walking to the MSF office for my first briefing with the snow blowing wildly, I stepped in a puddle of slush, dropped my backpack (don't ask), arrived covered in frozen slush-snow. Tolerance.
I ran into Rob, a fellow that I met during orientation last fall. He too is going on his first assignment, to Darfur. He was holding up a lovely Smartwool sweater, and said, "this will just fit you, it shrunk in the washer last night, and it will do me no good, enjoy". And so, I shed one precious item, and pick up another. Maybe that's what we all do every day. Loss and gain, old and new. Open.
Turns out Rob isn't going to Darfur after all. Because of the anticipated announcement this week regarding the criminal court tribunal there will be no MSF folks going, for now. So, after a couple of hours, I hear he is headed to Nigeria, a meningitis outbreak. Patience.

For all the incredible love and support over these past few weeks, I say WOW and thanks.

I go with all the stuff that a person can possibly want..... chocolate, extra socks, good reading, iPod with good music and poetry read by loved ones, more love than anyone could ever ask for, and a new sweater.

Bless us all, genie


  1. Oh, nice to hear this. Bless us all, indeed. Change really does seem to be the thing we can all count on, and the thing we spend so much energy resisting. I think you already know about tolerance and patience and open-ness, maybe it's a matter of moving more consciously into those attitudes and energies. I hope you learn enough in the next few days to prepare you for the journey in that practical way everyone needs. I know for sure that you are already prepared in the most important way.

  2. Think about you often and await your next post with great anticipation. All the best!
