Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am thinking about the heart tonight, don’t know why.

Most of us have dissected the heart, whether dissecting the frog heart in 8th grade biology, or the human heart in 1st year medical school. If not touched one, you have for sure seen pictures of a beating heart - the beefy, fleshy organ that squiggles like jello as it makes its lub-dub sound.
The heart is really a bunch of bloody lakes and streams. The lakes, our life blood, are inside the chambers, squeezing from one chamber into the next, then dumping into the body. The streams, the coronary arteries, are the life-blood of the heart.

Lakes are bigger, stationary, important, some might think, streams are smaller, flowing, more intimate. Lakes and streams are made up of the same stuff, water and minerals, but behave quite differently. We humans are also made of the same stuff, yet we too, behave differently. Some people see themselves as important, lakes, some just naturally flow, interconnect with one another, streams. Lakes and streams. Which am I today, and you, which are you?

I was thinking about the heart tonight and almost meditating, for sure visualizing it in my chest. I put my hand over my heart and held it there for a long time, connecting my image of a heart, with my real heart.
I thought about our expressions “ my heart was melting”, “my heart is full “, “you have broken my heart”…….lakes melt, streams are full, dams hold lakes in place and break……..

My heart is full of joy tonight.

flowing stream, steady lake,
intimate stream, powerful lake.

I love my heart, and I can’t decide whether I’m a lake or a stream?



  1. Hello - just wanted to let you know that we all are thinking of you....everyone here okay.....
    had my "weekend challenges" ready for the next..
    take care and I am so happy that the cook approves of your
    Love ya lots, p

  2. I printed out your v funny COOK story for the staff at work so they can all share your laughter.
    The job is going well altho feels like a horse race right now....interviewing, filling positions etc.But I like the company and the people so am quite happy. Will be glad when things slow down a bit and I can really focus on outcomes.......Missing you lots. Called Ballard Sun nite and apologized for being a shoddy spiritual guide which you and I thought he would certainly need in your absence! Happily he is doing well in spite of our plan! xxoo

  3. Genie, I just read everything you have written since beginning this journey. I will keep current from now on. Such a wonderful thing you are doing and with such dedication and joy. Take good care of them and yourself. Love and Luck, Candy(& Keith).

  4. Hi Genie! Just now got the blarg address so I had some catching up to do- hope all is well. Sounds like your spirits are good- hope you are learning lots. What kind of food are you having? Hope the adventure with your blankie has ended- I thought the suggestion to put the sheet on the outside and tucked in was a really good one. Drove to Texas with Sam for a Mimi visit and we will visit Callie in BA in June. I will pass along your blog address to her as well- stay safe. I have a candle in the studio for you. Ciao, K

  5. Genie,
    I sure love this reverie and will use it in the meditation class I am teaching at church

  6. Genie,
    This is about my 8th try to get a comment to you.
    Love this meditation on the heart.
    Love your courage and sense of humor.
    I started painting the bathroom tonight.
    How mundane and yet important
