Saturday, March 7, 2009

Confessions, Next Life, Fever

So I spent my perdiem, 5 of the 8 days anyway, on Opera tickets.
I can eat Cliff bars. I can't enjoy Werther at the Opera Bastille next month.

So I wander aimlessly through the streets, seeking nothing, breathing everything, exhaling contentment.

So I devour crepes, sip dark cafè, smell Parisiene parfume on beautiful women, fresh bread.

So I am boasting on this good fortune,

I confess.

Not me, everyone, everywhere, the Pariseines.
Busying about, brisk-paced, shopping bags brimming, passionate kisses, fevered in these sun-filled early days of spring.
The cold rain has paused, and so the intent to sieze the sunshine.

Let the fever penetrate the pregnant blossoms of the flowers, so they like the fever will break.

Let the fever live, so the winter can die. Let the fever break into spring.

My Next Life

In my next life I will be a crepe, a chocolate, banana crepe, warm, soft, thin, with the most delicious insides imaginable.

Someone will handle me with desire, and consume me slowly, reverently, and voilĂ , I am transformed.

Yes, a crepe I will be, and someone will say in a silly voice
"I think that I shall never see a crepe as lovely as she".

Genie, March 7

1 comment:

  1. Joining you in Paris is tempting but the IRS is demanding my time at the moment, and the State of Hawaii is auditing my 2007 return. Child's play compared to the logs you'll be jumping. I'm sending you love and golden light to keep you well and able to help those who need so much. You're truly an inspiration dear lady. xxoo, Donna
