Friday, April 24, 2009

Please Note

I have just noticed that the dates on the blog correlate with when I create the draft, not when I actually post it. And so, you may want to check to titles instead of the dates of the blogs. I am not sure how to change the internal workings of the blog. I just do what I am told.
For instance, the current blog is Pavarotti, because I created it after I created Humpty-Genie, but I posted Pavarotti first and just posted Humpty today....
Oh, life is such a scramble of stuff....
You figure it out.....
and any advice on the Humpty matter is welcome....



  1. Sweetie, the date is not going to matter much to most of us unless you write and tell us that you are in danger. ! So, don't worry about it. We can check the blog archive list and read what we have not read before. The blogspot "should" post your entries by the date that you push the "post" button, but if it is doing something else I don't think it's a "preference" item that you can change,I'm guessing that it's just a server glitch. We can live with that.

    I am sorry that you are feeling how far away your loved ones are. And I'm glad that you know how to put yourself humptily back together. Still, I understand that all of us function as well as we do because of the support and connection with people who love us.

    I can only imagine how complicated your response to the dismantling endeavor must be. Not what you expected. Makes life in Colo look easy,yes?

    love you to pieces, think about you every day!

  2. Dear Genie, It has taken me a bit to figure out how to do this. I have been following your Blog and am so intrigued! What an experience, challenge and time for reflection. Please know that I am living through your experiences. I am humbled by your courage. Your sharing of such raw feelings helps us all remember how human we are. I am honored to share this with you and want you to know that you are thought of daily wiht much love and respect. Be safe and I hope the swine flu does not complicate your life. Love you dear. Deb
