Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm OK

I recognize, based on numerous comments from friends, that my last post indicating "all is well" did not transmit. As I've said before, the internet access is a challenge on good days. It's just not working most days. I'm here in Sukhumi, fine.

There was No war, no evacuation, no problems. Russian tanks do parade down the streets of Sukhumi daily, lots of them. There are gunshots heard from my bedroom at night, almost every night. I have no idea the intent of the military movements or the shots.
I did have an uncomfortable encounter with a drunk yesterday. While taking a walk along the sea with a colleague who works in Tbilisi (who has very long bright red curly hair, clearly an anomaly to these dark haired, dark-skinned Abkhazians), the drunk guy approached us, started shaking his fists, yelling, being a typical drunk. The colleague yelled "Do not touch me". There were two other normal-looking guys approaching us. She yelled, "Can you help us?" The two guys did not make eye contact, did not offer assistance. We kept walking while the drunk guy tried to stand in front to block our passage. He was so inebriated he could not keep up with us. His attempt to push us was thwarted by his own poor hand-eye coordination. This is the extent of my difficult threatening events so far. Hope it stays that way.

There is no gun law here, anyone can carry and shoot a gun. Not very comforting. I suppose some of the night shots are random folks shooting their guns. I don't go out at night, except to walk across the street to go to the office which has guards. We have guards at our house as well.

The demonstrations in Tbilisi continue, but with less people, and no evidence of escalation at this time.
Summer is near, and summer is when the wars usually break out. Happened last year. Has happened in summer almost every time there has been a war.

The UN peacekeepers have been testing the airport in Sukhumi and so there is a possibility that we could evacuate via air, but if there is war, although it is not a particularly good idea to be flying when there are tanks below.
But for now, all is well. If there are unexpected movements, and indications that we should evacuate, then we will do so, across the Abkhaz-Georgia border through Gali and into Zugdidi, Georgia hopefully before a full-blown war would break out. Otherwise we will have to go to Russian, although we do not have Russians visas yet.
There is no intent to keep us here if there is war. There is intent to keep us here to do our work as long as things are "quiet". Things are quiet.

Several of you have sent items. I have not received any packages so far. Darn it.

I am safe, well fed with cabbage, beets, greasy meats and other things that I do not know what they are, but eat them anyway.

a bit rambling in my writing tonight,
will send more soon, at least if the internet is working,

I also mentioned that there was "talk" in Paris that I would be in charge of closing down this program. It was confirmed, I will stay until it is closed in early Sept. I will be spending the next several months continuing to care for these folks, and dis-assembling the program. It will be sad, hard and met with resistance from the staff here. More later

1 comment:

  1. So VERY VERY glad you are safe and well and escaped the flailing activites of Mr Too-Much-To-Drink. I was all ready to write by snail mail thinking that may be more reliable but will hold off knowing that you're still in GE.
    You will probably hear about our March-in-April storm this past w/e. We got about 16" of wet heavy heavy snow here but the real dilemma was that I 70 closed both directions from Morrison to Vail! Thousands of people were stuck and ended up in homeless shelters along the way. Most of themtns got 4 FEET of snow. And true to form, it is 60 degrees today and wet wet wet. The little canal outside my study looks like the river in Boulder Canyon...well over its banks and flowing speedily.
    Work is so very busy and you well know about the countless mtgs. Sometimes my day starts at 5 PM when the mtgs are over. Am still consumed with hiring and replacing but hopefully that will change soon. I need an NP since taking over the mngmnt part but not sure about timing. Bobbie is trying to keep pace too...she is totally out of Agape now and quite relieved.
    I will leave you now and go for my walk to the library. This week they are predicting 70 degrees and we'll all be grateful for that. Take care and know that the boxing gloves I bought you for your nightly walks are on the way :) :) :)
