Sunday, July 19, 2009


Djugelia is dying. We know it. She knows it. She has end stage kidney disease and there is no dialysis here, no chance to beat the odds, no reason for hope for another fall harvest. The death-reality happens every day in every place on earth. And so it is here.

What is remarkable is the way the death-reality is expressed. We have choices about many eventualities. We also have choices about how we live the reality that death is eminent. Djugelia has made her choice. It is honorable. She has chosen to return to her very, very humble home, to be surrounded by neighbors who will visit her and will offer human kindness.

She can offer gratitude for what has been, then acceptance of what lies ahead. This is beauty.
And a gift for those able to witness it.


  1. Thank you for this. We get away from that here. Death is some "problem" that we solve. I hope I get the chance to be that graceful about my own death. Gratitude for what has been, acceptance of what lies ahead - I need to do that every day. Love you to pieces, always.

  2. You modeled what I believe is the true mission of the geriatrician and should be for all physicians; do all you can to keep people healthy and happy, and then when that is no longer possible, then help and support people at the end of life. Thanks for sharing
