Sunday, May 3, 2009


Dearest Little Maryn,
I have just received the picture you painted. I am so happy. It was the first package I received.
Thumb-tacked on the wall so I can see it from my bed, and my desk is beautiful heart. I think in addition to being a great singer and dancer, you will also be a great artist. Thank you for sending it, and FOR THE CHOCOLATE. Whahooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought about sharing it with others, but I think I will just keep it for myself this time..

I want to talk with you about two things, both serious, both you will know about as time passes. Life and Death.

I have asked some old Abkhazians “what do you think has given you long Life?”
Here are some answers:
Acid food - Abkhazians eat spicy food, and many say that is the secret to good life, to long life. Cleans out the innards. I hope you will eat a little bit of spice in your food.
Fresh seafood and landfood- Abkhazians have the beautiful Black Sea where seafood is available and they also have rich dark soil that grows fantastic fruits and vegetables. Cows and pigs and chicken have plenty to eat in the springtime and summer. Abkhazians have fresh, healthy food if they can go to the sea and fish and if they can grow a garden and keep animals. Some can, some can’t. I hope you will make a garden this summer and eat fresh foods.
Mountain air - the Caucasian mountains are the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen, really, even more beautiful than the Rockies or the Appalacians. The air in the mountains is fragrant and clean and makes me feel healthy when I take a deep breath.
I hope you will take deep breaths every day in your beautiful mountain home.
Rain - The tranquility of rain (your mom will explain to you about tranquility). Every few days the clouds collect in the afternoon and then it rains all night long. Soft mostly, and sometimes heavy rain, all night. It is tranquil. It helps me to sleep good. I think it too brings long life. I understand why the American Indians and farmers and everyone pray for rain. It is good for growing crops and also for softening the soul. I hope you have good rain.
Strong, loud, proud - these are things I have observed in the Abkhazians that live long. Sometimes I don’t like these things because they seem harsh, but I think they are good for life. Everyone needs to know of these things. I know you are strong, loud and proud. Keep it up.

As for the other issue, Death, it also has it’s ways. I couldn’t speak to anyone who was dead, so I have to observe and think. As a soon-to-be 20 month-old little girl, you observe and think all day.

In Abkhazia un-natural Death occurs because of wars and cars.
There are fighters here, people who want independence. One gentleman said, "Our flag is like the American flag, because we are like the Americans were many years ago. We are a small number of people who believe we can stand up against large powerful nations (Georgia and Russia) and be our own nation".

I don’t know whether independence is possible for Abkhazia, but many fighters believe so. As you know, and will understand more with time, independence requires more than fighting. It requires responsibility and resources and respect and hard work and collaboration with your neighbors and parents and other important people. Wars are a reason people die.

And cars. The other reason for Death. In Abkhazia they drive faster than Italy. They take chances. Drivers drive in the middle of the road, and only at the last minute will get into their lane. We used to call it “chicken”. I have been scared every day I travel to see patients. It is very scary. The roads are horrible. Military tanks destroy the roads. There are no signs or signals to help people. Cars cause death. Please little Maryn, when you are with your friends tell them to be careful (I know your mom and dad are very safe drivers), and when you learn to drive, be respectful and careful when you drive.

Today I saw something strange:
A car was driving very slow. The person in the passenger seat was holding out their hand and there was a ball of string. They were very slowly letting out string onto the road as they drove along the highway. I asked Inga what this was about.
She said “We have a tradition here. When someone dies outside of their home, we take string and “string it” from wherever they died back to their home so their soul can find it’s way home.”
Isn’t that wonderful?
Ask your mom to read you the story about a little girl who places crumbs along the path so she can find her way home.
With help from our family and friends we can find our way home after we die also. I like that. People always want to come home.
I want to come home.
I love you little Maryn. Be a good girl.
Know that your grandmother loves you very, very much.

Thanks for the heart picture you sent. It means your heart is close to my heart.
Sleep tight

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