Sunday, May 17, 2009


She was a raging maniac tonight, like I have never seen before.
I see her every day, and I love her changing moods.
She is shimmering, silvery and sexy one day and sullen and sour another. Some days her “dress” is a glorious pink at sunset and sometimes she wears an ugly grey-green housecoat that needs to go to the goodwill. Plenty of days she has a conservative dark blue suit that looks quite nice on her.
She is lazy some days, just lolly-gagging, in no mood to do much of anything.
She can be rather tempestuous and on occasion fidgety, but late this evening she was madder than mad, crazier than crazy, she was a lunatic. She was intimidating and downright scary. I don’t think she could have been arrested for her behavior because no one could get close enough to her to catch her.
THE SEA was quite a gal tonight. All that fluid fury and oceanic anger from my friend was good to watch. I know exactly how she feels. It is always good to be around girl friends that can tell you what they are really feeling. "Just let it all out honey, it will be OK soon." She and I are buddies. Tonight no one else was around. No one else wanted to be around. They all wanted the comfort and quiet of their homes. I however came to the sea to “vent” and when I got there she was ranting and raving and kicking and screaming so that I forgot all about my own grumpiness. That’s the great thing about a good girlfriend.
We take turns. Sometimes she listens to me and sometimes I listen to her. We need each other. We girls.
I hope tomorrow She-Sea is in a better mood, otherwise I may have to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. You know, "shape up or ship out". "Get off your high horse and get back to work". "Stop that nonsense". "Honey, you aren’t the only one with problems"………….. She will likely tell me to butt a stump.
We will laugh and all will be good……….

I love all of you, my friends, you that speak, you that listen, you that empty you soul, and you that allow me to empty my soul into your outstretched arms.
good night.

1 comment:

  1. volunteering to hear rants via private email any time you want it. as one of your many girlfriends, i realize i can't compete with the sea, but i can talk back!
