Friday, May 8, 2009


Three expats in the past two years have gone home early - “mental stress” was the reason.
Now they tell me…..GREAT

We have another expat leaving next week, she too is leaving early. I wouldn’t say stress, I would simply say she is “off her rocker”, she passed being unstable and stressed months ago.
So VY, Vats ze reason?
Here are a few
You know all about the bedbugs and cats .
Then there’s the greasy water. Yep, my hair honestly comes out of the shower saying “I thought you were washing me, and for the last 50 plus years that has meant fresh, soft, fragrant, you know CLEAN. Not greasy, slimy, smelly, yuck.“ It’s a sad situation when ones hair speaks to its owner in such vile terms. My hair is not happy with the quality of shower and shampoo. My body sings the same tune. “Come on now, can’t you manage to scrub yourself squeaky-clean every once in a while? I mean really, is that too much to ask the owner of a body?” I apologize often, to my hair and my bod, but they keep their tirades up night and day….
Is it the pipes, the water, the soap my imagination,? Am I too going crazy?

I have requested an American plumber-friend to come size up the situation, but unfortunately an American plumber friend or foe would have a hard time getting into Abkhazia, but better foe than friend. It would be easier to say “I am a thief, here to cause trouble, to rob and plunder, you know, like all other Abkhazians.” It would also help if the plumber said “and by the way I hate all Georgians, and while I don’t hate Russians, I do want independence, I want Abkhazia to remain Abkhazia." That might get the plumber in the country.

The Russian military movements began again today. Convoys of 20 tanks, 30 canvas-topped trucks, larger weapon-weilding vehicles in town headed for the border, helicopters overhead, something is going on. We will have a briefing tomorrow morning and find out. Probably not the best time for a well-intentioned plumber to come to town.

Meanwhile, I just complain about my hair and my body and the fact that I am going a bit off my rocker too.

Nighty night,

PS - Announcement was made yesterday regarding agreement between Russia and Abkhazia. Russia will secure Abkhazia’s borders (truth is Russia has kept tanks at the border since last summer, now it is official that they will secure the border). We will see how this impacts our travel to and from Georgia. MSF has weekly transfers between Abkhazia and Georgia in order to send sputum from the Abkhazian Tuberculosis hospital for drug sensitivity testing and to receive supplies from Georgia, and for expat movements.
All for now

1 comment:

  1. The word "crazy" doesn't have much meaning when you're living in Sukhumi, does it? Seems to me that the whole world is crazy, and those of us who try to make our wan through it expecting to maintain "sanity," well, that's a tall order. I know the kind of crazy you've been all of your life, the quiet kind that most people never see, and I believe it will serve you well on your MSF assignment. You can take whatever comes, and you'll know when or if it's too much. You just know it.

    take care and know that I think about you every day,
